Are you interested in any of the following...

  • Personal development
  • Transitioning to being a business owner
  • Business ideas and resources
  • Safe space to share ideas and receive feedback
  • Supportive community of like minds

The Be Academy for social entrepreneurs aims to provide a network of individuals who believe in beingness, abundance, joy, belonging, authenticity, diversity, inclusion, and acceptance of all people.

As a Be entrepreneur, we begin by knowing ourselves, how we wish to contribute to and serve society.

We stay within our inherent authenticity to provide opportunities for others based on our strengths and interests.

The Be Academy is a hub for creative and passionate people who desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, meet a community need, deepen their own self-development, collaborate, and connect with like-minded individuals. 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

- Popular Saying

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Being over doing

Social entrepreneurship is about being. One who brings solutions, meets a need and cares deeply. For too long, we have lived and worked in a larger society that uses misaligned values to service our communities. The old values are based in scarcity consciousness and fear. The goal has been to divide and separate people from their internal and social power. As a result of the pandemic, a global world crisis, the old system underpinnings were revealed to more people. Many, who had not experienced this prior, started to feel the growing disillusionment and distrust of systems. People started questioning the values and efficacy of our current social, political, and healthcare systems.  Even more have begun to examine their lives and determine that they are unhappy and want to live a life of greater joy. Several have faced that our current reality leaves much to be desired. Life is not out there; it is right here with us. This awakening has allowed us to be more conscious of what we have been doing and being within this misaligned system. More and more people are realizing that they would rather BE- free, joyful, connected, authentic, fun, and collaborative than competing, comparing, excluding and the “doing” through life.

Why Beingness?

When we are born, we come with the essence of who we are as a being. The people and environments around us, then shape and condition our identities. Some conditioning is aligned, and some is disempowering to our inherent beingness. Ultimately, when we return to our authentic selves and principles of love, we can live the full expression of ourselves without getting trapped in the scarcity-based conditioning. We understand that as change agents for loved-based conditioning, we must examine who we are being as we are creating new systems, structures, and communities. Also, we create from our beingness, who we are authentically comes through in the work we do and gives the reason for why we are doing the work. 

Are you a BE social entrepreneur?

A Be Academy social entrepreneur is a powerfully distinct authentic individual who wants greater ease, fulfillment, and freedom. The people who are now leading the return to love-based systems, are powerful people. Many of us who were awake or awakened over the past few years, understand that we are not our conditioned identities. Yet, we understand that we have often had to “mask” in scarcity culture because we naturally knew it was not aligned to our true understanding of self. Most have been labeled as outcasts, neurodivergents, misfits, addicts, oddballs, and outliers in the scarcity system and have felt the pain of not always belonging. Whatever the background, they came here to create a new world, not to belong to the old. And if you are reading this, you may be such a change maker. 

Hi, I’m Ellen

I am a licensed Marriage and Family therapist who specializes in trauma and complex PTSD. I have over 20 years of helping individuals, couples, and families with the unique challenges they face in life. The last 10 of those years, I have been a mental health practitioner, parent advocate and trauma specialist in Hawai’i and Virginia.

I have an eclectic approach that blends Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness, Body Centered/Somatic practices, behavioral neuroscience, nature & spirituality. I work with teens, adults, couples, and families. Look forward to meeting you and walking with you on your journey.